

Jun 11, 2023

Not Ramen Cooking Column: nut milk review

As the new semester starts this August of 2023, I thought that expanding the food column would be refreshing for our dear readers. No worries for those who like recipes, those will still exist. From now though, there will be other food orientated articles such as what we’ll be going over today: A review of various non-dairy milks.

As most of us have grown up, we were used to cow’s milk in the whole, 2% or no fat varieties, or maybe goat’s or sheep’s milk for a special few. However, as time has gone on, non-dairy milk has become increasingly popular, whether it be for the lactose intolerant, vegans or just plain preference. For those of you who have been curious about it but do not want to spend the money on something you are not sure about, here is a review on four popular non dairy alternatives that may help.



I can say that Almond Milk was my favorite among all the ones I have tried. The texture is thin, but very silky regardless. It’s sweet and has a pleasant after taste. However, it would be good to note that this milk is the least like dairy milk in my opinion. So do not try this expecting it to be close to dairy milk. Rather, get it to experience a pleasant experience separate from milk. Notably, it would make a fantastic substitute for things you may put milk on, such as cereal.


Unlike the other milks, it has a slightly sweet smell and a rich after taste. Despite that, it has less flavor than almond milk. However, if you are used to the texture of nonfat milk, this is an excellent substitute for that, despite less sweetness than you may get from other milks on this list.


This milk is arguably the closest in texture and taste to normal milk out of everything on this list. If, for whatever reason, you’re trying to ween yourself off of normal milk and want something close, this is it. However, it should be noted that there is almost an uncanny valley effect for your mouth. Similar, but almost too similar for something notably different.

Oat Milk

My review of oat milk is this: It has a very distinct, sweetly nutty taste, to the point of being its own experience, much like almond milk. Unfortunately for me, I do not like a more nutty taste. Notably though, despite my opinion, this is the most popular of all non-dairy milks currently, and that is thanks to its delightfully creamy texture. It rivals 2% dairy, which I can confirm, despite my dislike for nutty flavors. If you are a fan of that type of flavor profile, which many of you probably are, this is a winner as well.

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